Estamos muito felizes por compartilhar que a AJDC foi mais uma vez listada pelo ranking da Chambers and Partners como um dos melhores escritórios do Brasil em direito da concorrência/antitruste:

“Respected boutique firm with a wealth of experience acting on the investigative side of the Brazilian antitrust sector. Instructed by companies from the technology, automotive and food and beverage industries to assist with sensitive anti-competitive investigations, including abuse of dominant position and cartel. Also assists with merger filings.

A client praises the team’s “technical knowledge, availability and prompt assistance.”

Nossos sócios José Del Chiaro e Ademir Antonio Pereira Junior foram mais uma vez reconhecido pelos ranking da Chambers and Partners entre os melhores advogados do Brasil em direito da concorrência/antitruste:

“Senior statesman and founding partner José Del Chiaro Ferreira da Rosa stands out due to his extensive knowledge of the competition market, with particular expertise in mandates before CADE. One market commentator describes him as ‘a senior practitioner who is very qualified and strategic,’ while another interviewee reports that ‘he continues to be an influential player in this practice area.’

Ademir Antonio Pereira Júnior is described by one client as ‘a lawyer who is capable of combining theoretical and practical knowledge of competition law with an understanding of how CADE operates.’ Another interviewee describes him as ‘an absolute competition law expert,’ while another says he is ‘very dedicated and thoughtful.’ He specialises in anti-competitive investigations.”

Agradecemos nossos clientes e parceiros pela confiança reiterada em nosso trabalho.

A publicação pode ser consultada nesse link: